Wednesday, July 23, 2008


so i was at the farmer's market last wednesday and came across this magnificent wonder. my boss says to me (don't ask why i was there with my boss), "i think you need that plant." i thought, ya know, i do believe she's right. so i asked the round lady who was manning the stand what it was and she said, "i have no idea. i'm here for somebody else. gimme five bucks for it." now since the other average (and wimpy) plants that ordinary folks throw in the dirt in their front yards were marked $8, i thought it might be a good idea to grab it whilst i could since it was a good sized plant and i hadn't seen one before. so i made my boss give me $5 so i could buy it. hehehe i wasn't trying to get away with anything, i bought lunch. so i took my new treasure back to the office and started looking for a match. it's got very stiff, bumpy leaves and looks like a cross between an aloe and a haworthia--so far, as close as i've come is a Gasworthia--possibly a "Royal Highness". i can't be certain so as per my usual, my arm is extended to my friends here for help.


Julie said...

WOW...this was different. I found this cross between and aloe aristata and Gasteria batesiana... HERE. Look down on page to find. This sure looks like it. I will have to research more. You really got a lovely plant! I loveeeeeee it!

Aiyana said...

I think its a Haworthia attenuata hybrid. There are thousands of them, all with minor differences in characteristics.

Anonymous said...

The comment I made on this entry hasn't shown up either. Hmmm...what am I doing wrong?
Short version of what I said before: Gasterworthia 'Royal Highness' .